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What we do

“We are buiding a sustainable business ecosystem.”

Founder - Andy Cheah

The Business Value Chain Model


  1. Customer Loyalty & Repeated Purchase Behavior

    • People love to talk about their favourite brands, they purchase the same brand over and over again

    • Members, you love not only purchase the same products but you love to share & recommend to others

    • Why? Simply because they are your loved ones, you want to share with them!

    • Love à Buy à Use à Repeat!

    • People àLove à Use à Repeat!


  1. Customer Loyalty means higher profits sharing

    • Customer loyalty isn’t just a nice idea, it’s necessary in keeping your business afloat

    • We take your business seriously because your business = our business

    • This focus of People àLove à Use à Repeat! will bring potentially higher return to you and eventually lead to business success as a whole


  1. Loyalty Programs & Campaign

    • We want your customers to stay as happy customers

    • We want you to stay happy and grow with us

    • Discount? Rewards? This is too traditional.

    • Let us provide you a platform to enjoy benefits across other merchants. Food ! Fun ! Fashion

    • Accumulate as many points as you can to enjoy all these privileges


  1. High Loyal Customers or Stay with us, Love à Buy à Repeat!

    • We will only delivery product of quality and durability.

    • Your loyalty is our priority!


  1. Win- Win – Win Situation

    • They Win – Customers Quality Product

    • You Win – Profit Sharing

    • We Win – Business Growth

Who we are

- Great Product
- Great People
- Great Environment
- Great Leadership
- Great Bonuses

Co Founder - Phoenix Cheong

We believe in the key feature of sustainable business development is that it comprises five elements: Product,People Environment, Leadership and Bonuses. All five, in no particular order, are balanced so that a strong foundation that’s built to last


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